CARF Survey Success

by | Nov 11, 2022 | AL Blog, News

The Survey is Complete!

As a company, Advocacy Links takes a lot of pride in our commitment to our mission and the quality of our services. Our CARF Accreditation Survey was held on Monday and Tuesday of this week, and we had incredibly positive feedback from our surveyors.

Although the official continuation of our accreditation and survey report are not available yet, we felt the surveyors saw who we are as a company and how dedicated our staff are to doing the right thing.

These are some of the positive things we heard:

  • Advocacy Links has strong leadership, training programs, community partnerships, and the parents whose children receive supports are very happy.
  • Staff remain committed to doing the right thing for everyone who needs help.
  • It is evident that protecting the rights of the people Advocacy Links supports is of major importance.
  • Advocacy Links staff have been a delight to work with.

We are proud of the hard work and commitment of our staff this year as we redefined our services. It has been challenging, but incredibly rewarding to develop supports and solutions for the challenges we have watched the individuals we support overcome for over a decade.

This year of hard work and success needs celebration, and we want to share it with you who have supported us through it! We look forward to sharing more on who we still are as a company, the supports we are providing, and why they are so important to us and the communities we serve.

Stay Tuned!