Employee Spotlight: Dawn Alvarado

by | Nov 29, 2022 | AL Blog, Employee Spotlight

Dawn is a Wraparound Facilitator with Advocacy Links Child Mental Health Wraparound Supports. This is a new service for Advocacy Links and Dawn has done an amazing job at getting in and hitting the ground running.

Dawn has been engaged and was one of the most responsive individuals at training for new Facilitators. We have been told she is an absolute “rock star”!

This isn’t news to us, we know she is a gem! Thanks for all you do for us and for the youth, family, and caregivers you support Dawn.

The Employee Spotlight Questionnaire

Why do you work at Advocacy Links?

Because of Joy (Our Managing Member) and my co-workers. It’s important to me to be able to help people learn new skills

What are the most valuable skills you bring to your position at Advocacy Links?

I am a strong advocate and want to help others

What is your favorite thing about working in this field?

Helping others to reach their goals, and providing them with important resources

What was your first job?

Working at a clothing store

What is your favorite hobby, or something that you do that brings you joy?


Choose your preferred Superpower. Your choices are: Invisibility, Invulnerability, Shape-Shifting, Teleportation, and Time-stopping.
