Advocacy Links is dedicated to finding resources and filling the gaps in or between services for individuals with varying levels of ability, regardless of age or funding stream.
We provide individual and family supports through the following programs:
A structured, strengths based approach to support, led by an engaged and responsive facilitator. Focused on youth who have a diagnosis of a serious emotional disturbance.
A program designed to provide support for all age groups where state and federal services are not always to assist. We provide guidance on social service applications, in person assistance for individuals who may need minimual assistance to remain independent.
NEW: Care Management for the Health and Wellness Waiver
These waivers allow individuals who are aged, blind, or disabled, or who have a traumatic brain injury to remain in their home as an alternative to nursing facility placement.
Our online tool to give individuals with disabilities, their families, and/or caregivers a change to control of their housemate searches.